I love Philip Kingsley – the brand that is, not the gent. I love the heritage of these hugely sensible, no gimmicks, tried-and-tested formulas. And what a heritage! The Elasticizer that I swear by to keep my dip-dyed lengths from snapping off was first formulated for Audrey Hepburn and Kingsley hasn’t seen the need to fiddle with the formula since. Not a bad endorsement, huh? The Swimcap, that has made it back into my bathroom cabinet of late has equally impressive creds, as it was developed by Kingsley at the request of the US Olympic synchronized swimming team.
Alas, my needs aren’t *quite* as impressive but still, I’m setting myself the challenge to swim 5km a week (that’s 200 lengths!). Needless to say, my locks are less mermaid, more a green-tinged, straw-like, matted mess.
Enter Swimcap.
I slather my hair in the thick cream just before each session, after showering, then after 1 hour of swimming I rinse it off when I get out. Whilst I’m in the pool it’s providing a protective barrier from the drying and hair-knackering chlorine, but also acts like a deep-conditioning hair mask, too. Fitness and beauty treatments in one go. Result!
N.B. If you are hitting the beach this summer it’s equally good for protecting from salt, sun, sea etc and has a UV filter, too.
£20, philipkingsley.co.uk