I am literally writing this whilst putting my shoes on, eating a crumpet and singing ‘Old McDonald’ to my son. Things are rather hectic right now, you might have guessed.
I just wanted to check in to say, bear with me. I haven’t been able to write about it as until midnight on Wednesday I didn’t actually think it was going to come off but on Thursday morning we took over as owners of this place:
Since moving to Devon it’s always been our dream to be our own bosses and buy a business that we can nurture and make our own. This cutesy, Grade II listed thatched newsagents seemed perfect, and now it’s ALL OURS. It’s in serious need of some TLC and we have Big Plans for how it will develop and grow over the next 30 odd years but for now we are coping with the 12 hour days solely fuelled on these:
But do you know the best part? The commute is 4 mins walk from home.
I promise normal service will resume next week, I’ve got so many posts to share:
- The best lotions and potions to tighten and firm skin (and they actually work, even on post-pregnancy tummies).
- A face cream I can’t stop raving about – my skin has visibly changed.
- My quest for an all-natural sunscreen for Country Bebe.
- A recipe I’ve concocted with the fruits of our new veg patch. It’s yum.

[…] just stopped on my way back from the shop to take this […]