One of the things I love about living in the country now, compared to the 20 years I spent here as a child, is how much more I appreciate the little things. It’s like looking at the place through an Instagram filter. As a teen I’d think nothing of a BBQ on the beach with my mates (plus a spot of skinnydipping – sorry mum), a weekend camping by the river or our impromptu stomps through the woods on a Sunday to shake off a hangover. I guess, ironically, that’s what we want for Country Bebe; for all these things to be normal and very much a part of his every day life (minus the hangovers). I however, am reveling in the fact that they are all new and novel again and am enjoying exploring my old stomping grounds with new eyes.
Another great thing about our new home town is its geography, slap bang in the middle of the Jurassic Coast. Going 25 mins in either direction from our front door takes you into two whole new counties. The in-laws have a place in Somerset and whilst it’s under an hour door to door it feels like another world. While 25 mins in the other direction is Dorset and Lyme Regis, where we jaunted off yesterday.
Here’s the view down on the harbour and Cobb (the famous curved harbour wall) from just above Mark Hix’s gaff.
A truly bizarre weather mix of snow, blue skies and bright sunshine met us across the border. There were people simultaneously scraping snow off their cars and swimming in the sea.
It could be August couldn’t it?
There were a smattering of people rustling up a fried breakfast on their camping stoves and making the most of the sunshine in their pastel-cute beach huts.
We were on the hunt for a special present for the father-in-law’s imminent birthday; the antiques market right on the beach is a real bazaar of everything from vintage clothes to amazing 20th century ceramics but this visit didn’t turn up any gems.
We consoled ourselves with a pair of *incredible* sandwiches from The Whole Hog at the bottom of the High Street.
It was basically a roast lunch in a bap. Roast chicken, stuffing, gravy and fried onions. We sat in the sunshine on the beach and stuffed our faces; looking up longingly at our Dream House – she’s a beauty isn’t she?
It’s funny how similarly our Sundays pan out whether in London or the country – lie-in, papers, coffee, walk, brunch, shopping, snooze, cooking/cleaning, TV, bed – but at the mo I’m so glad they’re panning out in the country.