Categories: CF Grows

A post from the greenhouse

Warning: smug post alert. I couldn’t help sticking up this photo of my FIRST EVER POTATO. Well, not my very first, as a kid in France my sister and I would be in charge of digging up wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of spuds, but my first as a grown woman.

Yes, alright, it’s a tiddler – we’ll be waiting another couple of weeks to dig up the rest but we couldn’t resist.

We’ve been harvesting the salad leaves, spinach and rocket for a couple of weeks and the broad, French and runner beans are all planted out in the newly dug veg patch. We planted six different types of heritage tomato this year (yellow, striped, purple…) and the greenhouse is full of the heady scent of tomato flowers in bloom.

Right, I’m off to water the burgeoning crops.

CF x


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