I have well documented my love of plaid this season, so imagine my delight when I received this image:

Plaid – for smalls!
Country Bebe wore gNappies, with much success, for his first year or so. For those not entirely happy with the idea that each disposable they toss into landfill takes 500 years to decompose (no, me neither), yet the idea of soaking, washing and drying ‘real’ nappies is just quite frankly too much to contemplate, I cannot recommend gNappies enough. You can go the ‘fully washable’ route, however we opted for the ‘eco lite’ version, where the waterproof inner holds an insert that is disposable (you can fling the wet ones on the compost!), then there is a gorgeous soft, jersey outer like the plaid one above. Yes, they are just as easy as a disposable and no, they don’t leak. They are just wholly brilliant. And the Aussies couple behind gNappies have a great brand ethos, too.
Cute, efficient and eco. No hair shirt required.
grand tartan gPants £17.95