Categories: CF Style

CF Reads: The Happiness Project, by Gretchen Rubin

So, after being enthusiastically recommended to me by a friend, I have just picked up The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. It’s not a newly released title (in fact it’s been in the bestseller lists for two years!) but, if like me, ‘self-helpy’ type books are not really on your radar (or frankly, appeal that much), then this might just be The Book for you.

The premise, and what inspired Rubin to write the book on a wet and miserable commute to work one morning, is her realization that ‘the days are long, but the years are short’. We give over so much of our energy reserves to just ‘maintaining’ our lives – commuting, working, housework, children – that we always feel that ‘happiness’ (whatever that magic word might mean) is to be found in all those big ‘to-do’ lists – the bigger house, the far-flung holiday, the better job… WRONG.

Rubin’s ‘Happiness Project’ is all about harnessing happiness on a daily basis. Within your daily routine will inevitably be little opportunities and moments that can be maximised to increase your overall happiness levels. I love this idea and the feel of the book already (I’m only on Chapter Two!). I like that it’s not self-centred and full of psycho-babble. While trying to tackle your happiness levels could quite easily become a selfish pursuit, Rubin has found from studying years worth of scientific research that actually, the fastest track to increasing your happiness is to make others happy. The after glow you feel from increasing someone else’s happiness levels, in turn, makes you happier too. How great is that?

In her 12-month long quest to become happier she looks at a myriad of ways to boost happiness, from your relationship with your partner and children, to your home, friends, hobbies, money… it’s a full life MOT, but crucially, not an overhaul. It’s about tinkering with your life AS IT IS, not as Elizabeth Gilbert would have us, throwing the proverbial baby out with the bathwater and buggering off to Rome/India/Bali, which will please my husband and toddler son immensely.

So, as I say, it’s early days but I love the concept and I’ll report back on my own ‘Happiness Project’ shortly.

Gretchin’s website is a great resource and there is more info about her books there too.


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