You may have noticed in the last few posts my photos have got significantly jazzier. I have Instagram in my life and all is well.
I did photography as part of my degree so I will freely admit to being a camera snob, namely that I still don’ t believe anything shoots as well as on film. I will never forsake my Nikon manual SLR but having fiddled about with Instagram this past week (since ditching the ol’ Crackberry for a shiny new iPhone) I can readily admit I’m impressed. So, you can find me snapping away on Instagram under countryfille – expect gratuitous Country Bebe shots (I have to update the absent grandparents, daily).
Quick, visual beauty updates on what I’m trialing, swatching and generally slathering on
This is my mani from this weekend, a gel system by Artistic (owned by Essie) in ‘So In’. The perfect grey/grapey/mushroom shade.
Plus the spoils from the Country Fille kitchen and veg patch.