Last year I made the conscious decision to ditch the guilt-ridden New Year’s Resolutions of denial and focus on resolving to enhance my life in some way instead – namely by learning Italian.
So, one year on – how did I fair? Not too bad as it goes. I’m by no means fluent but my vocab and grammar comprehension has grown 10 fold. Country Bebe and I now know all our numbers, colours, animals and foods, plus I am reading Italian Vogue (okay, mainly looking at the pictures) and Chi – Italy’s OK magazine equivalent – purely because it’s trashy and easy to get the gist of. Weirdly, watching HOURS of Peppa Pig in Italian with Country Bebe has helped my comprehension no end and although I don’t think I could hold my own around the dinner table with my husband’s quick-fire Neapolitan family, I would certainly understand more than I did this time last year. Result.
So what’s this year’s plan?
I’m simply taking a page a day in a notepad and jotting down the smallest or largest thing that pops into my mind that I am thankful for. It might be a rare lie-in, a new pair of shoes, a delicious dinner prepared by my husband or a happy hour on the beach alone with my son. Some things I am grateful for are VERY shallow (hello slice of cake), but I am also taking stock of the ‘big’ things this year – the amazing friends that I love so fiercely, the beautiful corner of Devon I live in, my exciting new job and utterly ACE son. Go on, give it a go – I promise it will make 2014 a happier year.