Hi. My name’s Lydia. I’m a picture addict. I can’t stop buying photos/prints/artwork. Yes, it’s an affliction. They are stacked around the house, lined up along the skirting board as we have literally run out of wall space. And yet I keep buying.
The only rule is thick, matt black frames. Size doesn’t matter. From framed polaroids of us as kids, to A1 sized vintage adverts.
Although most of our pictures have been collected from various antiques/flea markets, auctions and inherited (read stolen) from our parents, I have become rather addicted to Art.co.uk.
The online art gallery’s choice of prints is, at first glance, rather overwhelming – there are 1.5m pictures to choose from. But the clever archiving into artists (Picasso, Monet, Kandinsky); rooms (nursery, living room, study); subject (Architecture, Figurative, Animals etc) and even orientation mean narrowing down your choices is easy.
I first discovered the site trawling the internet for a repro of a vintage print that hung in my husband’s childhood bedroom, that he desperately wanted for our own home. And there it was:
And the best bit? The in-house framing service. Choose your mount, choose your frame (it mocks it up for you online so you can fiddle around and find the perfect combo) and voila, it arrives in 2-3 days ready to hang.
My latest hunt is for a print for Country Bebe’s nursery wall. I can’t decide between Andy Warhol’s Moon Robot Explorer, 1983 (a bit manic?)
Or go classic with a vintage Babar print. You can’t go wrong with Babar, right?

[…] I wrote this post back in spring about how, despite running out of wall space ages ago, I can’t stop buying artwork. Well, stick it in a black frame and colour me happy, I’ve just bought another two prints to add to the stack. […]