Like buses – you wait for a tune (and by tune I mean CHOOOOONNN) to come along and two appear in the charts at once.
Firstly, Tom Odell. While I do feel slightly out on a limb as a Tom Odell fan – namely the fact I am a 30 year old mother, as opposed to an Indie tween, not quite the demographic he was punching for I’m guessing – I do love this track, Another Love. Don’t you think he looks like Kurt Cobain? This song also reminded me how much I love Anthony and the Johnsons.
Secondly, I’m not too proud to admit I have been recreating some of these moves in my kitchen. Much to the amusement of Country Bebe who does a rather impressive Toddler Dance (cue jerky hip thrusts and head bobbing) each of the 1,029 times I play this during the day. Yes I want to be a bikini-clad girl, gyrating around Pharrell Williams? Who doesn’t?!