Morning all,
I’ve hit 500 subscribers! Woo hooooooo!
On that note, I thought now would be as good a time as any to check we’re all on the same page (or tab, or window, or whatever) when it comes to subscribing to countryfille.com
Even if you’ve subscribed before, you’ll need to click on the link on the top right and stick in your email address. You will get a verification email to check you are you and not a spambot (check your junk for this, it can often end up there), then that should be it.
Please, please, please email me, leave me a comment etc if the process isn’t completely straightforward and easy. I’ve just switched over to this new deliver system, so it should mean you get a fresh from the oven post, direct to your inbox, each morning. Hopefully.
Hope you’re all having good weekends. It really feels like autumn doesn’t it?
It has been one of those perfect blue sky, sunny but cold, weekends here. Perfect for walks on the beach (Country Bebe is OBSESSED with waves) and cooking up a Bollito Misto (a fennel sausage/lentil Italian stew) – yum.
CF x