The perfect holiday souvenir: Furore, the Amalfi Coast

Whilst delving to the back of the shed last weekend (it’s all glamour here at Countryfille..), I came across two bulging carrier bags that I had completely forgotten were lurking there. Inside were these tiny tile fragments, worn into organic shapes by the sea at Furore on the Amalfi Coast.

With one handful I was back to that blistering hot July day, our anniversary, lying sleepily in the steep cove, drinking Lemon Soda and watching Benedict as he combed the pebbly beach for these colourful shards, running back to me like an excited puppy when he found a particular ‘gem’.

You see, before a little person arrived in our lives we spent a good chunk of our downtime on the Amalfi Coast, namely in Ravello, Benedict’s family home. We would decamp there as often as poss. for a week of sleeping, cooking, walking the dramatic coastline and general recovering from London’s frenetic pace.

What with all the stairs, lack of good sandy beaches and child-unfriendly first-floor apartment, we haven’t taken Country Bebe yet (although I can imagine his cheeks are going to get pinched something rotten when we take him), and this is the longest we have been away in 7 years.

So, as in interim measure, I am determined to put these tiles to good use. I’m thinking of perhaps a little coffee table for the garden? Something low and almost Moroccan? Or perhaps a simple geometric mural to hang on the 80ft brick wall that runs down the side of the garden? I like the idea of it peeping through the flowers come summer.

Any other suggestions or ideas? I’d love some inspiration!


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