Inspired by tonight’s episode of The Voice UK, namely Jaz Ellington killing it with his unique rendition of Ordinary People, it triggered this blog about my very own Desert Island Discs.
Benny and I had been together only a month or so, we hadn’t said those three little words yet and what with 200 odd miles between us and him working 80 hours a week, I wasn’t sure ‘this was it.’ We had a huge, blazing row (I can’t even remember what about now!) and he sent me an email with a link to this track. No words, just the track.
Six years ago I still remember that as the moment I thought, ‘hmmm, this could be IT.’
Prior to this moment, I had to kiss a few frogs. One who, quite literally, put my heart through a food blender then stamped on it for good measure. It was the summer of my 21st birthday and whilst 90% of the time I walked round sobbing listening to Daniel Beddingfield, in my ‘fuck you’ moments I listened to this by Kellis, and for 3mins 28 secs it hurt a little less.
Another tactic for ridding my heart of it’s agony was to DANCE IT OUT. Namely at sweaty, seedy Devon clubs with my best friends, sponsored by industrial amounts of black sambuca (sorry mum). These songs were requested every Saturday night without fail
Now onto uni, walking through Deptford on the way to lectures at 9am, this song was first on my discman. I still can’t listen to it without dancing, I actually can’t. Toe-tapping at the least.
Now an oldie by a goodie. This is the song my dad has sung to me since I can remember (he used to sing with the London Welsh Male Voice Choir so he’s goooood). He even inscribed the front of his book ‘don’t you ever change.’
Waking up from a siesta at my then boyfriend’s house in Italy, I followed the sound of this song to the kitchen where I found him dancing and singing at full-volume whilst totally engrossed in cooking dinner. I watched him quietly for a while and realised: ‘I want to marry this man.’
Finally, we thought long and hard about what we wanted to be the first song our son heard. We unanimously decided on this because it makes us grin from ear to ear when we hear it, a bit like the little chap himself.
CF x